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通过美国医师执照考试(United States Medical Licensing Examination)是赴美从医的必经的途径,大多数中国考生通过努力也能拿到不错的成绩,最后的一关是申请住院医的过程,在match申请和面试很多技巧都是有迹可循的。例如住院医面试,每个人去面试的program都不尽相同,但是有些面试的问题和回答都是可相互参考的,下面我们邀请Dr Huang老师从自身的Match回答经验分享出来供大家参考,可收藏,也可转发给身边需要的朋友。

Why Medicine?  


There was once a time that our train was delayed, and before long we finally set off, we had an emergency broadcasting that a passenger needs help. As the only medical personnel around, I signed up and it was an old lady in her 70s, with history of diabetes, presented as lethargy, fainted with moderate dyspnea. She hadn’t eat anything in the last 8 hours, and she had 2 episodes of vomiting. With all the device at hand, I check her vitals, and did the physicals. As there was no further workup at that time, my best guess was electrolyte disturbance due to dehydration and vomits, but also cannot exclude a DKA. So I established a IV access and the patient was sent to hospital in the next stop.

Actually, I do not have a dramatic story that direct me into medicine. You see, there are a string of experiences, small things just like this that makes my choice seems so nature. Also, the outstanding doctors that I’ve worked with; the patients that I learned so much from; and the simple joy learning the knowledge, the thinking process, differential diagnosis and so on. I just never feel tired and enjoy it, so why not turn my interest into my career. 



专有名词释义:Diabetes:糖尿病、Lethargy:嗜睡、Dyspnea:呼吸困难、electrolyte disturbance:电解质紊乱、DKA:Diabetic Ketoacidosis  糖尿病酮症酸中毒 、IV:Intravenous therapy 静脉治疗

Computer skill for the medical system?   


Of course, I’m quite sophisticated with the basic software like words and PowerPoint. As I’m working as an USMLE instructor, so I’m expected to be able to present an interesting and organized PowerPoint every of my lessons. With the previous clinical experiences of US, I took the courses and am very handy at using the Epic system. I also working on statistical analysis software like SPSS, so I can take the advantage of the data base and make some progress on my research.


专有名词释义:Epic system:美国大部分医院或诊所使用的电子病历系统、SPSS:Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 社会科学统计软件包

 Tell me about USCE(United State Clinical Experience) 


As I was a last-year student, I've got hands-on clinical experience, which is very precious opportunity for IMG, I was required to work as M4 students with same task and schedule, in both inpatient and outpatient care. Besides the basic skills and understanding to the system, I also learned how to communicate efficiently and responsibility or role in the medical team. After get familiar with the system, I started to ask for task and learn how to be an intern. The attendings and residents are very dedicated for medical student teaching. The faculty are supportive and are willing to give me more autonomy. For example, I was able to take over the newly-admitted patient from ER totally on my own.

By the last of my rotation, I was capable of handling the work assigned to me. I even had the time and ability to supervise and oriented the M3 students. From that I can tell how much I have been matured and progressed in the last year. What I have learned will help me become a competent doctor in your program.



专有名词释义:IMG:International Medical student 国际医学生、M3/M4: Third / Fourth-year medical student  美国3 / 4年级的医学生

Any questions about this program?  


Every team has its culture. And I realize I tend to incorporate part of the culture or spirit from every previous educational experiences. So, how do you characterize the culture of this program, or what common feature is shared by the successful graduate from this program? What do you see the program in the next 5 years? I’m considering being a Chief resident in the fourth year as I think it will be a bright spot on resume and I am definitely interest in developing my leadership. What do you think is the most important quality for a chief?


What if you got pregnant again when you were resident?  


Every program is expected to be supportive if a resident gets pregnant. And it would be very inappropriate for any faculty to ask a question with the potential of sexual discrimination, like this one.


What would you do if your senior resident proscribed a medication which would harm the patient? 


First, I would hold the medication if no one is around for consultation. Then contact the senior immediately. Once any adverse event arises, I would have to ask the senior to report to the authority and explain it to the patient. 


What would you do if your patients were not compliant with the treatment?  


First, I would explore his/her understanding for the current condition we are dealing with. I will also explore the reason behind that led to the incompliance and list other options, for example, a long medication list could be confusing for a senior, a regular dose of insulin could be embarrassing for a teenager hanging out with his friend. Last but not least, I also keep in mind that the patients do have a right to refuse treatment.


What can you do for this program? 


I take a great pleasure sharing medical knowledge and have a passion for teaching. I used to lead the international student studying group of our school and now working as USMLE instructor. And I noticed that this hospital is affiliated to xxx school which means there gonna be medical students coming over. I think I will be a great teacher when I become the senior. That’s my way of giving back to this program and I think I’m going do great here.


Why do you want to be a resident in US?


Based on my personal experience and insights from alumni, there is the training I desire here. And it will lay a solid fundation for my future career and a brilliant next step for my previous endeavor. It took me a long time and many efforts to be here, but I think it worth every second even just fo rthe possiblity to become a better doctor. I'm fully aware that there must be more of the challenges, but I'm a problem solver and an adaptor, and I'm ready.


Planning for the next five year? 


After receiving my training which is the upmost important thing for me right now, my interest lies in hem/onc. My goal is to become a competent doctor that can care for the patients, I also wish to have the resources and ability to reach out for some underserved community. I once served in the Youth volunteer organization of our school and one of our campaign was to coordinate with the hospital and arrange free medical consultation in impoverished area. I realized that many people are deprived of their chance to change their lives because of lacking of medical care and knowledge.

